

Mystery of death Biological clock of the Earth Hydrogen – life keeper Formula for Longevity


The teaching-diagnostic map ''Biological clock of the Earth''
 the previous section       the folloving section 6. Biological clock of the Earth
7. Seasonal scheme of Biological clock of the Earth
8. Electromagnetic scheme of Biological clock of the Earth
9. Age scheme of Biological clock of the Earth
10. Chemical elements in Biological clock of the Earth
11. Other analogues of light in Biological clock of the Earth
12. Law of unity and struggle of opposites in Biological clock of the Earth
13. Biological clock of the Earth is oscillating system
14. Law of transformation of quantity to quality in Biological clock of the Earth
15. Time goes backward motion in Biological clock of the Earth
16. Light and function of the blood in Biological clock of the Earth
17. Duration of life according to Biological clock of the Earth

6. Biological clock of the Earth

An intrauterine period of life of every normal man as a rule lasts for 280 days or nine calendar months. We are all equal. But after birth all change at once. The life duration is different. Why are we so equal in an uterine and why do we have such discrimination after birth?

The answer is simple. A fetus was in a continuous night of maternal uterine. And only after birth he sees the Light! He has already familiarized with the oxygen, food and water in the mother womb. Therefore the quality of Light adaptation is his main life duration determining thing.

The Light Biological clock, which determines a life expectancy of each of us, is formed by the Earth orbital movement around the Sun and its axial rotation. It is a projection on a plane of the year and daily ecliptics of the Sun, which take place in a natural zodiac coordinate system. At the same time the Sun goes simultaneously on the ecliptics in two opposite directions: on the annual ecliptic - clockwise in Bioclock, and on the day one - counter-clockwise.

The time spires. But Bioclock seems to be the closed ring, just as a coil spring if we have a look at it from an end face.


The calendar limits of the seasons and off-seasons

fig. 12

To get the model of Biological clock of the Earth we shall project the followings on a plane of time (fig. 12):

  • All visible and invisible spectrum of an electromagnetic flow;
  • Appropriate seasons and off-seasons of the Earth Nature;
  • Equivalent periods of the human life together with normal or pathological conditions of the System of Biofilters.

The stages of human life divide Bioclock into eight appropriate sectors numbered from "1" up to "8". In the center of a Bioclock circle there is a human being perceiving all rays of the Light by the skin and representing the System of Biofilters as a tetrahedron (fig. 10) and in a projection on a plane (fig. "Biological clock of the Earth" /zoom - right mouse button, drag&drop - left mouse button/) - as an eight - pointed star.

The teaching-diagnostic map "Biological clock of the Earth" is a calendar made as a set of representational symbols, which reflects the total changes happing to a living organism from the beginning of his life and untill his death.


The cyclic alternating of the spectral pairs of visible and invisible Light in the Nature of the Earth, which is given by the orbital movement of the Earth around the Sun and its axial rotation, is called Biological clock of the Earth.


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