

Mystery of death Biological clock of the Earth Hydrogen – life keeper Formula for Longevity


The teaching-diagnostic map ''Biological clock of the Earth''
 the previous section       the folloving section 18. Hydrogen - life keeper
19. Donors of hydrogen in Biological clock of the Earth
20. Old age. Vector of aging.
21. Neuroreflex block
22. One more way to be saved or Regeneration. Cancer
23. Deficiency of hydrogen: signs and illnesses
24. Hydrogen - carrier of life
25. Flanagans. Microhydrin
26. Experiments with mice by Doctor Kostenko
18. Hydrogen – life keeper

Hydrogen makes about 90% of a substance of the observable part of the universe. For comparison - the share of Helium makes 9%. The share of all other elements is only 1%.

Hydrogen makes 10 % from body weight of a man, but taking into account that the atom of hydrogen is the smallest and lightest one among all chemical elements, its quantity in a man absolutely surpasses the quantity of all other elements!

We are a hydrogen body. As well as the Sun. The synthesis of elements takes place on the Sun and the same synthesis but cold one takes place in a man. The Sun dies because of a hydrogen deficiency and a man does too. But it is in general. Now let`s say about the particulars.

The energy of a man is inside the biochemical substance - adenosine triphosphate (ATP). To synthetize ATP, according to the chemiosmotic theory of the Englishman P. Mitchel, we need the protons of hydrogen, without which such synthesis will not take place. Mitchel developed his theory in the period from 1961 till 1966, but only in 1978, in twelve years, when all over the world people were convinced that the scientist was right, he was awarded with the Nobel Prize.

It is better to say, no hydrogen - no ATP.

We consume about half-pound (about 230 gr) of pure hydrogen daily, which acts as a source of a proton for the ATP synthesis.

ATP is often prescribed to the elderly people as a component of any treatment. It helps for a short while. Why?

The answer is clear. At the hydrogen ions deficiency the oxygen burns ATP too, extracting the same hydrogen from it to take off the green screen of Death.

The ions of hydrogen, and in other words, the protons, play the role of a life keeper and a life generator for an organism.

Heme is a transport for the oxygen in an organism both at the level of blood and at the level of cell in the structure of cytochromes. But the oxygen is an oxidizer, and better to say, a burner. It burns its transport in the sector 8 of Bioclock of the Earth, forming the green screen of Death. And though this screen lets red rays, which are in their turn the conductors of the oxygen, in the organism, it does not let green rays, which quantums are necessary for the synthesis of heme. (See the sector 8 and 4 of Bioclock, according to the law of unity and struggle of the opposites).

If our organism was not able to struggle with the green screen of Death, our maximal life duration after birth would make from 90 up to 120 days. It is the scientifically defined life duration of erythrocytes, and therefore, of the heme. But, taking into account the inertia of time (some erythrocytes die, but others have time to be born), one might say about 150 days, not more. But we live much longer … Why?

It is because our organism is able to struggle with the green screen of Death independently. And for this purpose it needs to have the protons! The fact is that the molecule of biliverdin, attaching two protons, becomes the red bilirubin, and after the treatment with the glucuronic acid becomes the orange bilirubin and is taken out from an organism as a part of a bile - an own slag of the "Liver" biofilter. And then, as a part of feaces, it leaves our body. That is how an organism removes the green screen of Death. But for this purpose as was already told we need the proton, so we require the water consumption…

The oxygen, in its turn, although brings the electrons in the respiratory chain and extracts the protons, introduces by-product things in the biofilters system also. They are called - free radicals.

Iin our organism approximately 2% of the inhaled atmospheric oxygen turns into very aggressive free radicals. The free radicals are the scraps of the molecules or the molecules themselves, which have a free uncoupled electron on their orbit. Searching an electron pair they often destroy the cellular membranes. It results in cell destruction and development of diseases. The free radicals are accused of such sufferings as hypertension, ischemia, liver diseases, sclerosis and cancer. The American scientist Harman has developed the free radical theory of an organism aging.

Our organism has provided the system of struggle against free radicals. The protection against them is based on the use of antioxidants. The antioxidants, in the absolute majority of cases, are the substances, which molecules has a hydrogen ion (proton) connected weakly to the atom of carbon. The fact is that the proton has no electron on its external orbit and as well as the free radical aspires to get it. And in this case it acts as "the free radical" against the free radical. The proton suppresses the free radicals in the bud joining to their molecule. But the same protons are necessary for this purpose!

The donors of electrons, for example, the vitamin "E" and metals with variable valency can act as antioxidants. For example, they are iron, copper and others.

But what will occur, if the vitamins and metals begin to carry out the antioxidation function mainly because of the oxygen deficiency?

Imagine that the iron, which is the active principle of the heme-containing respiratory enzymes, the cytochromes, starts to carry out the antioxidation function. There will be the iron deficiency in the synthesis of respiratory enzymes and it will result in the decrease of these enzymes production and in the development of the main attribute of aging - the oxygen starvation or the hypoxia.

Or if the copper begin to carry out the antioxidation functions? The copper is ranked second in the human respiratory system just after the iron. Hence, we shall receive a state of the hypoxia again.

Let's take the cobalt. The connection of the cobalt to the free radical or to the oxygen will not allow an organism to synthesize the vitamin B12. And since the cyanocobalamin (B12) plays the outstanding role in the system of hemopoiesis, its deficiency will result in the anemia, and, hence, in the same hypoxia.

The vitamin "E", carrying out the antioxidation function and thus creating its own deficiency in an organism, can result in a sterility.

If we take into account that the plenty of minerals carry out the function of the catalysts of biochemical reactions in an organism and are the part of the various enzymes, than the oxidation of minerals will result in the numerous infringements of various biological substances production by an organism that is fraught with the development of the numerous human sufferings. We can give a lot of such examples.

Hence, it is very important, that the function of struggle with the free radical oxidation should be carried out with the help of protons. In case of the protons deficiency, everything that we call Life, will fail. As against the oxygen the protons in the respiratory chain are not transferred by the heme-containing enzymes, but by the flavin enzymes and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates. The building materials for these enzymes are two vitamins: the riboflavinum and the nicotinic acid accordingly. The oxidation of these enzymes and their vitamins (coenzymes) by the way of the hydrogen ions liberation will result in destruction of all respiratory chain and in impossibility of ATP production.

So, the hydrogen deficiency of an organism is the reason of formation of the sector of Death in Biological clock of the Earth (sector 8).


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