11. Other analogues of light in Biological clock of the Earth
Biological clock of the Earth is divided into eight sectors and each of them has a number. In due time, in 1993, I named them as blocks of associative time analogues (BATA).
The representatives of human internal environment, fauna or flora and condition of a man and his habitat also, which are expressed as much as possible in the appropriate sector of Biological clock of the Earth, where they are shown on the scheme (associated with time) are called associative time analogues of Light in Biological clock of the Earth.
Further we shall name these blocks just as sectors of Biological clock of the Earth under the appropriate numbers. It is convenient for comprehension.
Sector 1: "Winter"
Light-blue and gamma-rays (the year ecliptic in Bioclock of the Earth).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Sagittarius, Capricorn.
Water of fetus organism (embryo contains up to 97 % of water, fetus - up
to 90 %) and accordingly "light-blue" hydrogen of both organism water
and amniotic fluid. Pituitary growth hormone. Various intrauterine positions
of a fetus. A fetus gets nutrition and oxygen from the mother through
a placenta. Fall of regeneration rate (RR) from 1:4 down to 1:1.
Position of already born organism of any age is horizontal: supine or prone.
Sleep. Decreased consumption of air oxygen (night). No food consumption (night).
Maximal blood filtration by skin (vernix caseosa) and rectum, and minimal filtration
by glomerular filter of kidney and duodenal intestine.
Aquatic habitat of a fetus. (Amniotic fluid). Continuous "night"
of maternal womb. Already born organism has an air habitat.
Night, winter, cold. Snow or torrential rains. Decrease of vital activity
in the Nature of the Earth.
"Light-blue" copper is here, probably, from hemocyanin protein,
which transfers oxygen with the help of copper at such organisms as snails,
spiders, squids, octopuses, crabs, which blood is light-blue. Light-blue copper
salts are quite possible: CuSO4·5H2O, CuCl2·2H2O, Cu(NO3)2·3H2O,
North. White race. No skin pigment.
Red and infra-red rays (the day ecliptic of sector 1 of Bioclock) and their
analogues described in sector 5 (summer) are shown 12 times less.
Sector 2: "Winter-spring off-season"
Dark blue rays and x-rays (the year ecliptic of Bioclock).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Aquarius.
Dark blue pigment, most likely, ceruloplasmin, which contains copper and
is a carrier of electrons, is a participant of respiration at a human being,
pig, monkey, horse and other organisms. And carbonic acid of the moment of birth
is here taking into account "violet" hydrogen and carbon, which are
more presented in sector 3. "Dark blue" iron and calcium as ions or
combined with proteins - carriers. Pituitary hormone prolactin and adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) from suprarenal gland cortex. Epiphysis hormone melatonin.
Amount of water in an organism of a newborn boy - 86,8 % of body weight.
True biochemical and clinical picture of stress, as a transition of an organism
from an aquatic habitat into an air habitat and his adaptation (readjustment)
to new, air habitat, maximal consumption of oxygen in all life cycle of a man.
Consumption of oxygen at an adult organism is considerably reduced.
Condition of an organism: at first a head first position, and then, after
birth, supine, prone or on right side (liver - accumulation of a carbonic acid).
An exact position of a newborn: slightly lateral decubitus with his hands at
a chest, and legs to a stomach (physiological hypertone of a newborn due to
an abundance of a carbonic acid). A small intestine and a biliary excretion
system (liver) have the maximal blood filtration, but a stomach, a tubular filter
of a kidney and an urinary bladder (gives a pulse for a filtration) have the
minimal filtration.
Children from the miscegenations between white and black races.
Late evening. Maximum point of a cold.
Orange rays and radiowaves (the day ecliptic of Bioclock) together with their
analogues are shown 12 times less and described in sector 6 of Bioclock.
Sector 3: "Spring"
Ultra-violet and violet (the year ecliptic of Bioclock).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Fishes, Aries.
Nitrogen, proteins, amino acids. Violet protein skin pigment - melanin. "Violet" hydrogen, carbon, iron, calcium and minerals belong to a carbonic acid, amino acids, proteins - carriers and free ions. Pituitary melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH).
Organism growth. Water conteins is 71 % from body weight. The rate of regeneration (RR) is 1:1 and reflects the process of normal growth.
Condition of an organism: sitting position. All digestive tract, and especially ileum, has the maximal blood filtration, and lungs and esophagus - the minimal filtration.
Black (more precisely, violet) race.
Evening. Heat coming. Visible awakening of the Earth Nature.
Yellow and low-frequency rays (the day ecliptic of Bioclock) together with their analogues are shown 12 times less and described in sector 7 of Bioclock.
Sector 4: "Spring-summer off-season"
White Light and its pink (purple) representative.
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Taurus.
The main respiratory pigment of a human and warm-blooded animals - pink heme. "Pink" potassium as the indispensable participant of respiration process at the level of oxygen-carbonic exchange in erythrocyte and a carrier of carbohydrates into a cell, exciter of cellular membranes. Lactic acid. Pituitary luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones.
Condition of an organism: transition into an upright position, end of growth and beginning of puberty, peritoneum and jejunum have the maximal blood filtration.
Children from miscegenations between black and red races.
Time to have a dinner. Warmly.
Green rays and overshort rays together with overlong rays (the day ecliptic of Bioclock) together with their analogues are shown 12 times less and described in sector 8 of Bioclock.
Sector 5: "Summer"
Red and infra-red rays (the year ecliptic of Bioclock).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Gemini, Cancer.
Red hemoglobin, "red" oxygen, haemoglobin acid, "red hydrogen" of red bilirubin, myoglobin, cell cytochromes, iron carrier - transferrin, iron depot-protein - ferritin (at some invertebrates, for example, Nereides - oxygen carrier- hemerythrin instead of hemoglobin), carbohydrates (glucose) as main substratum for biological oxidation, flavin respiratory enzymes oxidated up to red colour, red melanin, pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), rate of regeneration (RR) is 1:2 and reflects an inflammation, amount of water at young mature man is 61 % from body weight.
Condition of an organism: upright position, maturity of a human, period of the maximal disease resistance. Does not last for a long time - only for 5 years: from 20 up to 25. Period of maturity can last up to 30 years old. Formation of 1-st type hypertension, 1-st degree hypotension, mixed type neuroculatory dystonia, predilection to inflammatory reactions. A hypertension or hypotension and neuroculatory dystonia are already persistent by the end of the maturity period. Glomerular filter of kidney and duodenum have the maximal blood filtration, and skin and rectum - the minimal filtration.
Red race.
Hot. Day.
Light-blue and gamma-rays (the day ecliptic of Bioclock) together with their analogues are represented 12 times less and described in sector 1 of Bioclock.
Sector 6: "Summer-autumn off-season"
Orange rays and radiowaves (the year ecliptic of Bioclock).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Lion.
"Orange" hydrogen of orange bilirubin, a rust complex 2Fe2O3·2H2O is also possible in a liver, hypothalamic hormone - oxytocinum.
Condition of an organism: transition to sitting position, climacterium, as a stage of aging at the level of a central nervous system (lasts from 30 up to 35 years), 2 type hypertension formation, hypotension of 2 degree.
Tubular filter of kidney, urinary bladder (pulse) and stomach have the maximal blood filtration, and colon and biliary excretion system of a liver - the minimal filtration.
Children from the miscegenations between red and yellow races.
Maximum degree of hot weather with transition to warm weather, later morning.
Dark blue and x-rays (day ecliptic of Bioclock) together with their analogues are represented 12 times less and described in sector 2 of Bioclock.
Sector 7: "Autumn"
Yellow and low-frequency rays (the annual ecliptic of Bioclock).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere -Virgo, Libra.
"Yellow" sodium as a participant of the oxygen-carbonic exchange at the level of erythrocyte and stimulant of cellular membranes, fatty acids, neutral fats, carbon, hypothalamic antidiuretic hormone (ADH), yellow pigment - melanin, rate of regeneration (RR) 1:3, reflecting the cirrhotic and atrophic processes in an organism.
Condition of an organism: sitting position, old age, formed hypertension of 2nd type and hypotension of 2nd degree, normal cancer formation as a stage of aging, lethargy, cirrhosises and atrophies. Blood, lungs and esophagus have the maximal blood filtration, and digestive tract, and especially - ileum, has the minimal blood filtration.
Yellow race.
Morning, leaving of the heat.
Violet and ultra-violet rays (the daily ecliptic of Bioclock) together with their analogues are represented 12 times less and described in sector 3 of Bioclock.
Sector 8: "Autumn-winter off-season". Sector of Death in Biological clock of the Earth
Green and supershort rays together with superlow-frequency rays (the annual ecliptic of Bioclock).
Coordinate of the Sun for the northern hemisphere - Scorpion. Green pigments - verdohemoglobin, biliverdin, oxidized flavin enzymes, oxidized "green" copper (CuOH)2CO3, yellow-green sulfur, magnesium (and magnesium as the main metal of the respiration at plants), rate of regeneration (RR) 1:4, characteristic for cancer illness.
Condition of an organism: conception, laying position, cancer disease, transition to electromagnetic habitat (Death), lethargy is possible. Bronchi, trachea, larynx, oral cavity and pleura have the maximal blood filtration and jejunum and peritoneum have the minimal blood filtration.
Children from the miscegenations between yellow and white races.
Early morning, transition to cold.
White Light and its pink (purple) representative together with their analogues are represented 12 times less and described in sector 4 of Bioclock.