14. Law of transformation of quantity to quality in Biological clock of the Earth
The law of transformation of quantity to quality at the level of a human organism is well seen in Bioclock of the Earth. The essence of the law is simple: as soon as the quantity of something in an organism changes, than the new quality of this organism appears.
Let's analyze this phenomenon by the example of a human life cycle. There he is as a fetus in sector 1 of Bioclock. He has got a lot of water. In the course of time, at the end of sector 1 he has a lot of carbonic acid, which blocks consumption of oxygen from the mother. It threatens by death to a fetus. What should he do? Obviously, it is necessary to be born and to get in such medium, where there is lots of oxygen and it will be immediately accessible to an organism. There a birth comes, there a new quality of an organism comes - a fetus has become a newborn, sector 2.
Not only oxygen, but also food begins to come into an organism from the moment of birth. And as soon as an organism will be filled with proteins and minerals in sector 3, and at the end of this sector with potassium also, there will come a new quality of an organism - puberty, sector 4. Amount of water significantly reduces in an organism.
Further, as soon as the basic respiratory pigment of a man, heme, will be accumulated in the necessary amount, there will come a new quality of an organism - maturity, sector 5, and the amount of water will decrease even more.
As soon as it will be a lot of orange bilirubin in an organism, there will be a new quality - climacterium, sector 6.
As soon as it will be a lot of adeps, sodium and fatty acids in an organism, there will be a new quality, old age, sector 7.
As soon as the respiratory enzymes will burn down to a plenty of a verdohemoglobin - biliverdin and it will be the minimum of water (50 %), there will be the Death.
Special case of the law of transformation of quantity to quality is the law of change of a habitat deduced from Bioclock.
Poisoning with the main component of a habitat is the reason of change of a habitat to such one, in which this component is absent or is not the main component.
The accumulation of hydrogen of water and carbonic acid (poisoning) was the reason of birth by the example of a man.
The poisoning with the atmospheric oxygen (combustion of respiratory enzymes) is the reason of change of air habitat to electromagnetic one, which has no oxygen.