

Mystery of death Biological clock of the Earth Hydrogen – life keeper Formula for Longevity


The teaching-diagnostic map ''Biological clock of the Earth''
 the previous section       the folloving section 18. Hydrogen - life keeper
19. Donors of hydrogen in Biological clock of the Earth
20. Old age. Vector of aging.
21. Neuroreflex block
22. One more way to be saved or Regeneration. Cancer
23. Deficiency of hydrogen: signs and illnesses
24. Hydrogen - carrier of life
25. Flanagans. Microhydrin
26. Experiments with mice by Doctor Kostenko
25. Flanagans. Microhydrin

It is that classical case, when, having stepped on the right way, the researchers have turned on a side road.

For the first time I learned about the doctors Patrick and Gale Flanagan in September, 2001, when the Russian magazine "Moscow" published by the authors` authority their article "Hydrogen is a missing link of a chain leading to the longevity" of December, 1994. An article "Microhydrin" by Clinton Howard, the president of corporation "Royal BodyCare", was there also.

The discovery of Flanagans, submitted to the Nobel committee, is directly connected with a surprising tribe, which lives in Pakistan, in the Hunza valley, which is called "an oasis of youth". Life duration of the inhabitants of this valley is 110-120 years. They never get sick, they look young and the process of aging proceeds more slowly in them, than in other people. The people of the Hunza valley play outdoor games up to hundred years, there were registered the cases, when the men of more than 100 years old became the fathers.

It was assumed, that the secret of their longevity consists in the abnormal physical properties of the local water. During their researches Flanagans have made a conclusion, that "the structure of water has a secret, knowing which lets to turn back the process of aging". "The tissues of a human organism contain a large reserve of hydrogen. The depletion of this reserve with age results in the development of aging process signs". "The hydrogen transport can be a missed factor in the search of the reason of the aging process development and a secret, how to slow it down. During the process of aging the cells of our organism lose water, and a hydrogen pool, protecting the cells from a harmful action of the free radicals, becomes exhausted. As a matter of fact, all researchers of the longevity phenomenon agree that the free radicals bear the responsibility for aging".

"We can assert," - said Flanagans, - "that the life actually is a turnover of hydrogen, and the riddle of life is in "the burning of hydrogen"".

The French scientist Alexis Carrel has received the Nobel Prize for keeping life in the chicken heart cells within thirty four years. He said: "A cell itself is immortal. The point is just in a liquid medium (water), in which the cell is and in which it degenerates. Renew this medium periodically, give the cell all the necessary for its nutrition and, as far as we know, the beat of life can last forever".

According to the belief of Flanagan, "as the hydrogen bonds act as "glue", holding the molecules in a double spiral of DNA, these bonds can be activated and energized. It is well known, that in the process of our aging the convolutions of DNA spiral are rolled up tighter and tighter, losing their flexibility and elasticity. There is a hypothesis, that such compression of the convolutions of DNA spiral can reduce the potential amount of cell divisions. Now our cells are capable to divide only 50 times, then the process of their reproduction stops.

If we achieve a relaxation of convolutions of DNA spiral by the way of hydrogen bonds activation in the DNA molecule, it can influence on a regeneration ability of the cells of our organism. The spiral DNA is in a water medium and, hence, is is hydrated. The age compression of the spiral can be a consequence of hydrogen pool depletion, caused by the age displacement in an organism. The restoration of rich supply of a hydrogen pool can result in the natural unrolling of DNA spirals and restoration of their ability to stimulate the process of cell reproduction".

The negative atoms of hydrogen founded in the water of the Hunza valley, in Flanagans opinion, have appeared the most potent donors of electrons among the known ones in chemistry and the strongest acceptors of free radicals. On the market by the corporation "Royal BodyCare" as a food additive under the trade mark "microhydrin™".

According to the scientists' statement of the corporation "Royal BodyCare" the microhydrin:

1. Is the most potent antioxidant of free radicals;

2. Increases pH - an acid-base parameter of a liquid of the body cells - to the higher alkaline levels (pH - 8.5), that in the "Royal BodyCare"`s opinion reduces the viability of bacteria and viruses;

3. Increases the electrical conduction that promotes the oxygen assimilation by the cells.

I am unite with Flanagans in that part of their researches, in which they speak about the major and determining role of hydrogen in a human life and death. But...

Flanagans' "Microhydrin" is a donor of electrons by the way of negative hydrogen, which contains in it. In the article of Clinton Howard "Microhydrin" the following definition for the destroyers of cellular membranes - free radicals is given: "Free radicals are the toxiferous compounds which have lost a negative electron, and represent the by-product of a metabolic oxidation. They carry on a positive charge and are characterized as instable. Thus the free radicals have the ability to take an electron from the vitally important structures of a cell … an electron loss results in the damage of a cell…". There is no example of such positive free radical in the article. Caracteristic of the antioxidants, one of which is "Microhydrin", is given there: "Antioxidant is a compound with one weakly bonded electron, which is easily given to a free radical, stabilizing and neutralizing its molecule and transforming it in a steady condition". The examples of the antioxidants are given, and the antioxidants vitamin E and vitamin C are placed in one series, in spite of the fact that vitamin E renders its antioxydative effect by the way of electrons and vitamin C by the way of protons flow.

Thus the fact that the most aggressive free radicals, which are the main destroyers of the cells, the hydroxyl radical (OH) and oxygen (O) radical, have not a positive charge, but the negative one, is completely ignored. And the experimentally confirmed definition of free radicals is diametrically opposite to the given above: "Free radicals are the kinetically independent particles having the unpaired electrons"!!! The opinion, that a free radical is a molecule or its part, which has an unpaired electron (free valency), is prevalent. Those are already named oxygen and hydroxyl radicals. Moreover, the radicals are divided into positively charged (cation-radicals) and negatively charged (anion-radicals). But "the radical properties" in both cases are caused by a negative (free) electron. Therefore the definition of K. Howard, given at that moment for the free radicals, does not correspond to the experimentally confirmed characteristics of the free radicals.

Well, the free radicals really need an electron to create the electron covalent bond or just for the stabilization, but the positive charges of a naked hydrogen ion, which is called a proton, which does not have an electron and which therefore has a positive!, not negative charge, attract them even stronger. Moreover, the basic mass of antioxidants is acids (vitamin C, lactic acid, haemoglobin acid, amino acids, fatty acids, bile acids, all endogenic acids of an organism and exogenous acids from the food). And an acid belongs to the protons, and no way to the negative ion of hydrogen. The protons neutralize the free radicals, joining to their molecules tightly and taking a free radical electron to be used by everything. The proton antioxidants are much stronger than the electron of the free radical, both by quantity and quality, because a positive charge of a proton is rather more attractive for the free radical electron than any other electrons.

The "forgetfulness" of Flanagans and K. Howard in relation to the question on the cell ATP production is really amazing. Fairly giving the main role in this process to the hydrogen ions they hold back that the initiation of ATP production in a cell belongs to the positive hydrogen ions! And in another way, to the protons!! It is clear, because in the ATP production there are no negatively charged ions.

Flanagans and K. Howard should know that P. Mitchel was given the Nobel Prize in 1978 for proving the main role of the positively charged hydrogen ions, protons, in the ATP production.

The following fact has been completely off screen: at the end of 60th - the beginning of 70th the Frenchman A. Polikar stated an idea that a normal cellular membrane has pH=5,0, and it is an acidic membrane and so it is the protons - positively charged hydrogen ions, which do not have electrons at all, and the negative hydrogen ions are not in question too.

One more question. The same K. Howard, quoting the Nobel winner A. Saint-Georgy "None of electrons in the live systems are capable to move, if it is not accompanied with hydrogen", holds back lowly, what hydrogen does A. Saint-Georgy speak about? K. Howard knows, that Saint-Georgy, speaking about hydrogen, means the positively charged hydrogen ions, the protons!

And the antioxidant abilities of the negative hydrogen ion are very doubtful. The fact is that the Light, which lightens each of us, brings an electron into an organism without any hydrogen. There is an opinion, that the quantums of light in an organism are broked up into an electron and a positron. What`s the use of adding electrons, if we are bombarded by them every day? The electrons bring into an organism the oxygen, which we breathe with. But may be it is not enough?!

The Frenchmen Jenerick and Gerard have an opinion, that we receive too much electrons. These researchers have measured a charge of a cancer cell in relation to the healthy cell and received that a charge of a cancer cell is twice higher than that of a normal one. And this charge is caused by the excess of electrons, which the Frenchmen trying to find a way to destroy, to remove, to excrete, to neutralize and so on.

So why we should bring to an organism the additional electrons by the way of the negative hydrogen ions, when their excess threatens to cause the cancer?

Besides, we shall ask the biochemists and biophisics: how often do we see the negatively charged hydrogen ion in an organism? There is a question to K. Howard and Flanagans: "So you, colleagues, have decided that the Nature is less sharp than you and has started the production of positive hydrogen ions - protons - in a cell, instead of taking care about the negative hydrogen ions cherished by you (but not by the Nature!!)?" You see the production of protons in a cell is called the biological oxidation, and in another way, the respiration. The respiration is a production of protons, but not the negative hydrogen…

The respiration has another one, more exact name: "Dehydrogenation of the substrata with the help of oxygen". In other words, the dehydrogenation is a protons taking from the substratum. The dehydrogenation process requires cellular water that results in the aging, illnesses and death. The data are simple and monumental: a newborn has 86,8% of water from the body weight, and an old man of 81 years old - only about 50%. Water is spent on the respiration or production of the positively charged hydrogen ions, the protons. And the Nature does not need to produce the negative ions of hydrogen, it does not need them, and we do not need them too. Because in an organism the function of life is carried out by the positively charged hydrogen ions - the protons:

  • They neutralize the free radicals;
  • They form the chemiosmotic potential on the membranes of mitochondrions and initiate the ATP production;
  • They accompany the electrons in a respiratory chain;
  • The active oxygen in a respiratory chain attaches a proton, instead of the electron and only then water is formed;
  • They carry out the protecting antioxidative function in relation to the minerals, electrolytes, vitamins of an organism;
  • They are the indispensable participants of photosynthesis in a man.

Besides, taking out the green screen of Death, the biliverdin, the protons allow to synthesize the heme respiratory enzymes of cells, cytochromes, making our life long… And renewal the protons in an organism by the way of "Elixir of Youth" allows to exceed the limits of a human age up to 300 years.

And if the electron antioxidants are so good, then why the free radicals are not self-activated and self-neutralized at meeting each other, even if such meeting has taken place between the cation and the anion free radicals? But at the meeting with the proton both of them become neutralised.

The negative hydrogen can be easily produced on our elementary plant and is called the hydroxyl ion (OH). It is used by people for a long time independently and is called "Live water". It is a donor of the electrons, but is dangerous because of possible formation of the strongest oxidizer - a hydrogen peroxide H2O2.

What does actually happen in a Hunza valley? And why did Flanagans want to increase the amount of negative hydrogen ions in the analogue of the Hounza water in millions times, if they managed to reproduce this water, which according to the assumption, provides health and longevity?

Not having all the information, we shall try on the basis of the available facts to make the assumption.

The water with special abnormal properties flows in a Hounza valley from high-mountainous glaciers. Flanagans said that the space rays consist of hydrogen protons by 87% and such high-mountainous glaciers could grasp the large amount of hydrogen. But again, we are talking about protons and not about the negative ions of hydrogen.

Collected in the top layers of the ice, the protons go to a Hounza valley with water in the organisms of people, providing them with health and longevity.

According to the reports of scientists, who studied the life of this tribe, people of this tribe eat, basically, fresh fruit and sheep cheese. It is interesting, that the inhabitants of a valley have the period, when fruits have not ripened yet - it is called "a hungry spring" and proceeds from two up to four months. At this time they eat almost nothing, they take a drink made from dried apricots once a day only. It is the realization of the biorhythm of Bioclock, isn't it?

But why Hounza people, having the water enriched with a proton and filling the proton deficiency, die at 110-120 years, whereas the life duration calculated on Biological clock of the Earth is 2.5 times longer?

The answer is, most likely, the following: one should not drink the water enriched with a proton of hydrogen constantly. Because, having the fourteen days half-life, the staying half of the proton accumulates in an organism, and at a certain stage it reaches a critical mass (see the chapter "Saturation of an organism with a proton")…

We should remember, that an oxygen needs time to work in an organism, and a hydrogen may not give this time … Constantly drinking water enriched with protons, people of Hounza valley reduce a share of oxygen, that leads to the infringement of the equation of life 2H+= O-2 and they die.

Of course, untill my visit the Hounza tribe and study not only water of their valley, but also them and their way of life, it is just a working hypothesis coming from Biological clock of the Earth.

Why did Flanagans use the way of increasing of negative hydrogen ions amount in millions times in comparison with the original Hounza water? I can suppose the answer to this question may be simple.

Human blood is an alkaline medium. Blood becomes acidic only in an old age (by the way of fatty acids - donors of hydrogen). Proton is an acidic medium and consequently Flanagans could not associate the acid - old age - with longevity. For that it is necessary to know Biological clock of the Earth, the green screen of Death and a man as a photosynthetic system. The negative hydrogen ions is an alkaline medium, and as Flanagans have seen a basic role of hydrogen in prolongation of human life, they decided to increase the amount of negative hydrogen ions in millions times in water intended for the longevity achievement.

As I have already told, having stepped on the right way, Flanagans have turned to aside road.


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