23. Deficiency of hydrogen: signs and illnesses
In a practical manner all the illnesses are caused by deficiency of water, which is spent for the protons production. Therefore there is no need to describe thousands of illnesses. All the same, if they have the only one reason, the treatment is the same.
TEMPERATURE RISE. A body temperature considered the normal one is the temperature measured by a mercurial (inert) thermometer in an axillary fossa, in a mouth or in a rectum and which is in the limits from 36,0° up to 37,0°C. The classical temperature of 36,6°C is rare, besides, a human body temperature is subject to fluctuations during the day in the above showed limits.
A temperature rise above the upper bound of the norm (higher than 37,0°C) accompanies a plenty of various human illnesses and is a sign of an organism acidation with the help of the proton, by the way of bilirubin mainly. A drop of the body temperature when it goes below the low bound of the norm (below 36,0°C) is a little bit less often. It is also a sign of acidation of an organism by the proton, but mainly, by the way of acids excreted by kidneys. Both the rise and the drop of a body temperature are the signs of organs' blocks. A liver is blocked at rising, and a kidney is blocked at dropping. Often, at acute respiratory diseases the character of an organism acidation is biphase. At first there is the temperature rise (block of a liver), and then the temperature dropping (block of a kidney).
A biphase character of the acidation happens more often at pathological conditions requiring longer acidation of an organism. Better to say, these conditions are caused by more expressed hydrogen deficiency, than the conditions that have a single-phase type of acidation, which is as a rule the liver one, and are accompanied with a temperature rise.
BLOOD PRESSURE RISE - the reaction of an organism to the loss of cellular water spent for the proton production. The condensed cellular membranes resist to the bloodflow that according to the D. Bernoulli's law leads to the blood pressure rise. The attempts to realize the Claude Bernard's law of life by rising the rate of bloodflow by the way of increasing the heart rate form the first type hypertension or the output hypertension or the hyperkinetic hypertension.
All these different names mean the same: the rise of the blood filtration rate by the way of increasing the heart rate. An attempt to speed up the bloodflow rate, and so the filtration rate and to realize the Claude Bernard's law by the way of spasm of arteries leads to the second type hypertension or the resistance hypertension or the vasoconstrictive hypertension. All these different names mean the same: rising of the blood filtration rate the by the way of the reduction of arteries' lumen.
BLOOD PRESSURE FALL. It has the same reason as the blood pressure rise, namely - the deficiency of cellular water, spent for the proton production, in this connection the cellular membranes have become denser and the resistance to blood flow has increased. In this case an organism realizes the Claude Bernard's law with the help of shunts, removing a part of blood from the filtration process and leaving in the arteries such amount of blood, which can be filtered by the condensed cellular membranes, realizing the Claude Bernard's law. This mechanism of realization of the law of life forms the varicosity and the hypotension. The cause of varicosity is an artrial-venous shunting. The venous capacity extends due to this shunt. The manifestations of the hypotension mechanism are syncope, collapse and shock also. And also - a lethargic sleep.
VEGETO-VASCULAR DYSTONIA. An intermediate condition between the hypotension and hypertension. The process, when an organism is adjusted to realization of the Claude Bernard's law of life either by the hypertension, or by the hypotension.
GASTRIC JUICE HYPERACIDITY. A sign of the hydrogen deficiency of an organism. Just the stomach aspires to give to the liver as much proton, as a part of a hydrochloric acid, as it is possible, to help the liver to take off the green screen of Death.
GASTRIC JUICE HYPOACIDITY. A sign of the deeper hydrogen deficiency of an organism, when the stomach is already blocked so much, that the way of hydrogen emission from an organism is already blocked even to the intestine.
UROLITHIASIS. A condition of the hydrogen deficiency, when an organism is compelled to use the oxalic, acetic and other acids of an organism as the donors of the proton instead of water, and these acids in case of sufficient amount of water and carbonic acid should be excreted from an organism as a part of urine mostly. To produce the hydrogen using such pernicious way these acids react with calcium, and give their proton in exchange for calcium and precipitate as the salts in the renal tubules, forming subsequently the stones.
CHOLELITHIASIS. The same with the urolithiasis, but the main donor of the hydrogen is a bilirubin, which gives the proton in exchange for calcium ion and precipitates itself as a salt - calcium bilirubinate in the hepatic ductuses and in the gallbladder, leading subsequently to cholelithiasis. The cholic and fatty acids and also the cholesterol are actively help the bilirubin to do it.
CHRONIC CONSTIPATION AND CHRONIC SPASTIC COLITIS. A syndrome of the hydrogen deficiency of an organism. A condition, when an organism tries to extract the maximum of the proton from the waste to compensate the hydrogen losses. The spasm of a colon (constipation) and the increased absorption of the various donors of hydrogen which are included in excrements develop for this purpose. As the consequence the followings develop: the constipation, "sheep" faeces, opportunity of fecal boluses formation.
INTERRUPTED SLEEP AND SLEEPLESSNESS. A condition of the hydrogen deficiency of an organism. A block of a brain cortex and transition of an organism to hydrogen supply from the orange bilirubin as the basic donor of the proton. The bilirubin stimulates the central nervous system, that results in the various forms of sleep disturbances.
LUMBOSACRAL RADICULITIS. A syndrome of the hydrogen deficiency of an organism. A block of a kidney.
INCREASED SWEATING. A block of the bile-excreting system of a liver.
SCLEROSIS OF ORGANS - BIOFILTERS. A disease of the hydrogen deficiency. Water is spent by the specific cells of biofilters and the connective tissue to the proton production. And the result - the wrinkling and destruction of the cells and their replacement by the connective tissue.
CARDIAC RHYTHM DISTURBANCES. The stable disturbances of a cardiac rhythm are connected to the sclerosis of a cardiac conduction system. The reason is the same - the hydrogen deficiency.
CANCER. The reason is the hydrogen deficiency of an organism. The center of a primary manifestation or the tumour itself localized either in an organ, which has undergone the 4-th degree neuroreflex block or on a meridian of the same organ. For example, a breast cancer. The center of a primary manifestation is a breast, but the organs which have undergone the 4-th degree neuroreflex block are gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder, kidney and colon. As a rule, the localization of a breast cancer is on the meridian of stomach or on the meridian of gallbladder. Occasionally - on the kidney's meridian.
ISCHEMIC DISEASE OF ANY ORGAN. The deficiency of the proton. The consequences are: biofilters shunting, spasm of arteries-arterioles and dehematizing (ischemia).
INFLUENZA AND OTHERS ACUTE RESPIRATORY VIRAL INFECTIONS. These diseases are connected to the attempt of an organism to liquidate the hydrogen deficiency by the way of the endocrine and neuroreflex way. They arise at an organism transition from the summer regimen of blood filtration to the winter one and on the contrary, from the winter one to the summer one. The viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial and so on) are in no circumstances the reason, but the consequence of biofilters' block. A type of virus, which is found in the biological liquids at the disease, depends on a type of virus, which dominates in the habitat of a man at the moment of illness. And a virus domination in the habitat depends on the solar activity.
ANY PAIN SYNDROME. Wherever the pain appears, it testifies the block-unblock of biofilters under the conditions of a biorhythm of increasing water-hydrogen deficiency of an organism. Particularly the pain is caused by inconveniences, which are experienced by the connective tissue, which is the case and the skeleton of any biofilter at blood filtration. For example, there is a pain in the bones - periosteum aches (case of the biofilter). There is a pain in the liver - means, its capsule experiences the inconvenience, and so on.
TOOTHACHE. A man has 32 teeth. His neurogland - hypothalamus has 32 nuclei, which are the subcortical representations of all human organs. There are the ramuses from 32 nuclei of the hypothalamus in the nerves of teeth roots. Therefore at food mastication there is a stimulation of all organs of the man, and the teeth in this case act not only as the instruments, but also as "the buttons" - stimulators of organs functioning. The series of power meridians of an organism, which belong to one or another organ pass through the teeth. For example, the molars belong to a stomach, because the meridian of a stomach passes through them. Therefore any toothache testifies the trouble of one or another organ and also of the nervous system and the appropriate meridian.
As an organism is an integrated system of the interconnected and interdependent organs, the toothache tells first of all not about the teeth, but about a sick organism. The teeth should be treated, not extracted, excluding the most desperate cases. Every possible exodontias with the purpose "to make a smile" should be recognized as the maximal nonsense. Any teeth treatment should be accompanied by the treatment of internals by the way of liquidation of the hydrogen deficiency of an organism.
The list of diseases could be continued further and further, but there is no need to do it. As all of them are caused by the only one reason: the hydrogen deficiency of an organism.